IIP Strategy
Making more efficient use of energy—eliminating waste and doing more with less—offers the cheapest, fastest route to improving energy security and avoiding harmful emissions. Recent International Energy Agency studies show that improved energy efficiency represents more than 70% of CO2 reduction opportunities by 2020.
IIP’s goal
IIP is working to achieve significant, measurable energy efficiency improvements and greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions:
- Reduce industrial sector final energy use by 25% by 2020 in China, India, and the United States (compared to baseline projections)
- Drive improvements in energy intensity of 3.5% per year through 2030
- Contribute to a 25% reduction in annual GHG emissions by 2020 and a 50% reduction by 2030 (compared to baseline projections), avoiding 2.0 Gt CO2 per year by 2020 and 2.7 Gt CO2 per year by 2030
IIP’s strategy
IIP promotes rapid uptake of energy efficiency practices in the industrial sector by offering information, analytics and services to key industries and countries where (GHG) emissions and energy usage are significant, and where energy efficiency and productivity measures will have the most impact in reducing the GHG emissions.
The strategy is to focus on manufacturing in the most energy-intensive sectors, which generate more than 70 % of industrial CO2 emissions:
- cement
- iron and steel
- chemicals
The focus is on the countries where these industries already contribute to almost half – and the proportion is growing – of the world’s total industrial emissions:
- China
- India
- United States
IIP’s vision for Industry
Implementing IIP’s Strategy
To implement its strategy, IIP undertakes three key activities:
1. Work with governments to improve policy making
Create resource materials and activities that help government policy makers develop, establish, and monitor energy and carbon efficiency practices in industry. For example, IIP is providing the China National Institute for Standardization (CNIS) and the Shanxi Provincial government with customized briefings and international best practices on the development of energy management programs.
2. Team with industry to implement energy management systems
Work with industry, government, and other organizations to facilitate corporate energy management system (EnMS) implementation to substantially improve energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) efficiency. For example, IIP is providing Chinese Top-10,000 enterprises with real-life case studies from across the globe of companies that have witnessed the true gains of adopting energy management systems.
3. Collect, analyze, enhance, and disseminate best practices and tools
To support industry and government decision makers, we develop and disseminate information and tools that promote best practices in technology, policy, and financing to improve industrial productivity. For example, IIP has developed Industrial Efficiency Databases for Policies, Technologies and Financing Vehicles that provide freely accessible and up-to-date information on best practices for maximizing industrial energy efficiency.
In IIP’s country programs, implementation plans and activities vary according to industry and country circumstances and are tailored to specific needs, barriers, and opportunities our teams have identified.