Our databases provide comprehensive information about energy management programs and energy efficiency policies, finance, supply chains and technologies.

IIP’s databases are home to a rich set of resources on industrial energy efficiency – including guidelines, reports, factsheets and case studies.

Our databases are offered free of charge as part of our mandate to increase industrial energy productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in energy-intensive sectors.

You can find more information about each of our databases below:


 Industrial Efficiency Policy Database

The Industrial Efficiency Policy Database (IEPD) provides information on industrial energy efficiency and greenhouse gas mitigation policies around the world. The database goes beyond simply listing policies to offer a layered and detailed analysis structured in a “Policy Pyramid” that connects various policies, measures and implementation tools. This structure helps policymakers, think-tanks, and others to understand the mix and relationships in a total policy package that can be applied within and across various countries.

IIP acknowledges SQ Consult, LBNL-China Energy Group, ICF International, Energetics Incorporated and Ecofys for their valuable contributions.

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 Industrial Efficiency Technology Database

The Industrial Efficiency Technology Database (IETD) delivers rich and relevant information about the latest and best-available technologies, tools and management systems to facilitate the accelerated and full commercial deployment of energy efficient and low-carbon technologies and practices by industry.

IIP acknowledges Fraunhofer ISI, IREES, LBNL-China Energy Group, E3M Inc., ISR-UC, Holtec, Utrecht University, and FAI for their valuable contributions.

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The Supply Chain Initiatives Database (SCID) presents innovative approaches to engaging industrial suppliers in efforts to save energy, increase productivity and improve environmental performance.

IIP acknowledges Ecofys UK for their valuable contribution.

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The Industrial Efficiency Financing Database (IEFD) identifies vehicles and programs that have successfully delivered industrial energy efficiency financing. See IIP’s Financing Best Practices to find out more about these initiatives.

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The Industrial Efficiency Programs Database (IEPrD) contains information about national level energy management programs, along with program descriptions, evaluations and assessments. The IEPrD also showcases successful North American state and provincial energy efficiency and resource acquisition programs that have successfully delivered energy efficiency in industrial companies – either through utilities or mandated third parties.

IIP acknowledges Dan Trombley and Ethan Rogers of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) and Robert P. Taylor of Energy Pathways LLC for their valuable contributions.

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Motor Systems, Technologies and Measures

Anibal T. de Almeida and Joao Fong, ISR – University of Coimbra, Hugh Falkner, Atkins Global. This report has been developed to help industry leaders and end-users research and identify best practices that contribute to dramatic greenhouse emissions…

Tools or Guides


Cross sectoral, Policy, SME, Technologies and Measures, Finance, Energy management, Supply Chain

With the growing importance of reducing emissions and cutting energy costs, one of the most significant issues for both government and industry is getting easy access to quality information about the most effective technologies, policies, energy…


Industrial Efficiency Policy Database



The Industrial Efficiency Policy Database (IEPD) goes beyond just listing policies to offering a layered analysis using a Policy Pyramid that connects policies of various countries to its related measures and implementation tools that form the total…


Industrial Efficiency Technology Database


Technologies and Measures

The Industrial Efficiency Technology Database (IETD) delivers rich and relevant information about the latest best available technologies, tools and management systems to aid in the full commercial deployment of energy efficient low-carbon…



Cross sectoral, Policy

Julia Reinaud and Amelie Goldberg. This background paper presents the policy packages of the China, India, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States according to the IIP Policy Pyramid. The report outlines five steps for…



Cross sectoral, Supply Chain

Amelie Goldberg, Emelia Holdaway, Julia Reinaud and Siobhan O'Keeffe. Engaging with suppliers has proven to be an effective strategy to complement policy efforts targeting industry. This paper explores the diverse range of approaches that…



Supply Chain

The Supply Chain Initiatives Database contains case studies searchable according to the types of activities buyers are undertaking to motivate suppliers, target sector, organization leading the initiative, and program or partnership linkages. Start…



Cross sectoral, Policy

This report describes the policy packages of China, India, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States that directly or indirectly affect industrial energy efficiency or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The policy packages for…