IIPI Strategy

Institute for Industrial Productivity India strategy is to achieve significant gains in industrial energy productivity and resource conservation, focusing on resource intensive industries sectors in India andSouth Asian region. IIPI initiatives are aimed in making more efficient use of energy and resources—eliminating/utilizing waste and doing more with less- the cheapest and fastest route to improving energy security and reducing pollution generation at source.

IIPI’s goal

IIPI is working to achieve significant, measurable energy and resource efficiency improvements and pollution reduction-both local as well as global by:

  • Providing technical inputs and guidance to governments, industries, practitioners and institutions to prepare them for a low carbon future through promotion of energy management systems, technology, policy and financing options on energy efficiency, industrial productivity and clean energy applications including use of renewable energy.
  • Stimulate demand for energy efficiency practices and renewable energy in energy-intensive industrial sectors by undertaking action research, piloting new approaches, developing and promoting innovative technologies and generating knowledge and best practices.
  • Undertake analysis and research to understand and address the challenges of global climate change by working directly with policy makers/ government, private sector, entrepreneurs and financial institutions to drive widespread deployment of cleaner and resource efficient technologies.
  • Develop and implement sustainable solutions in the ecosystem of major industries by promoting circular economy, industrial symbiosis, clean technology and effective resource management across their supply chain

IIPI’s strategy

IIPI promotes rapid uptake of energy efficiency and resource conservation practices by offering information, analytics and services to key industries and sectors where energy and resource usage are significant, and where energy efficiency, resource conservation and productivity measures will have the most impact.

Implementing IIPI’s Strategy

To implement its strategy, IIPI undertakes three key activities:

1. Work with governments to improve policy making

Create resource materials and activities that help policy makers develop, establish, and monitor energy and carbon efficiency practices in industry.

2. Team with industry to implement energy management systems

Work with industry, industry associations and other knowledge bodies to facilitate energy management system (EnMS) implementation to substantially improve energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) efficiency.

3. Collect, analyze, enhance, and disseminate best practices and tools

To support industry and government decision makers, we develop and disseminate information and tools that promote best practices in technology, policy, and financing to improve industrial productivity and resource use efficiency.

IIPI’s projects, implementation plans and activities are tailored to specific needs, barriers, and opportunities  as identified jointly with various stakeholders.