U.S. EPA Energy Treasure Hunt Guide: Simple Steps to Finding Energy Savings

Energy Treasure Hunts are one best practice that many ENERGY STAR partner organizations have adopted to identify no- and low-cost savings opportunities and build stronger energy teams. Organizations use resources including labor, materials, equipment, and energy to operate facilities. Most understand the basics of energy use and demand for utilities: electricity, natural gas, compressed air, steam, chilled water, and water. However, many do not regularly consider opportunities for optimizing these resources and controlling operating costs. The Energy Treasure Hunt is a dynamic, effective process for identifying savings opportunities. By focusing on energy savings, Energy Treasure Hunts support implementation of an energy management program and key components of EPA’s ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management.

Resource Date:
16th June, 2014
Resource Type:
Tools or Guides
Resource Region:
Global,United States
Resource Language:
Ammonia,Wood and Wood Products,Pulp and Paper,Textile,Food and Tobacco,Chemicals,Petrochemicals,Plastics,Cement,Cross sectoral,Electronic,Glass,Aluminium,Iron and Steel
SME,Technologies and Measures,Energy management,Supply Chain


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