About IIPI
Established in 2013, Institute for Industrial Productivity India (IIPI) is an independent non-profit organization operating as a best practice network in partnership with government, industry and community to develop and implement solutions that promote resource conservation, sustainable growth and climate resilience.
IIPI achieves this by driving demand for resource efficient practices and clean technologies by undertaking action research, piloting new approaches, developing and promoting innovative technologies. IIPI also develops tools and approaches that prepares stakeholders for a low carbon future.
Our work
IIPIs work aims to drive the adoption of resource efficient technologies and practices. We do this by working with government agencies on policy implementation, providing technical assistance to a range of stakeholders, and partnering with key companies, investors and industry associations to create replicable models.
We select our projects by not only looking at their resource conservation potential but also the co-benefits of such interventions for creating development and mitigation impact.
Our key areas of expertise are in program design, identification and implementation of energy and resource efficiency opportunities, and facilitating knowledge sharing and dissemination of best practices and approaches.
How we operate
Our core team and network of independent experts provide advice on technology, policy and financing of industrial energy efficiency, resource conservation and environmental management issues. We also work at regional level to improve energy efficiency policies, practices and technology adoption. This includes developing technical projects that deliver practical and cost-saving solutions that while improving the industry’s competitiveness, also addresses some pressing local environment and development issues.
IIPI’s vision
Through a range of on-the-ground initiatives in India and South Asian region (Bangladesh & Nepal), we aim to help the Government, Community and Industry create a sound foundation and adopt a climate resilient low carbon growth and development approach. .
Our vision is to advance technologies and innovative tools and practices which would result insignificant reductions in resource intensity as also address social and environmental sustainability issues.