DaKShaTA, a mobile application, which is a Database for Knowledge Sharing on Technological Advancements was released by Mr. Abhay Bakre, Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency on 8th March, 2018 at the 2nd ‘National Workshop cum Technology Exhibition for Promoting Energy Efficient and Cleaner Production for Sustainable Industrial Growth’ at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
Mr. Abhay Bakre and other dignitaries during the release of mobile application DaKShaTA
DaKShaTA aims to help industry identify technologies and measures that can help them in enhancing energy efficiency, improving productivity and reducing CO2 emissions, while assessing the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency investment options.
It is estimated that energy efficiency in the industrial sector can be improved tremendously through adoption of proven and commercially available technologies. However, industry leaders often cite the lack of information on relevant options and benchmarks, and difficulties with building a clear-cut financial case for energy efficiency investments as the two main barriers to widespread deployment of energy efficiency technologies and measures. This database aims to help decision makers to realise this significant energy savings and GHG mitigation potential by providing comprehensive and easily accessible information that can help in overcoming information and financial barriers.
Currently the database covers information on the cement sector but we shortly plan to include other sectors. The information contained in the database is primarily compiled from a wide array of publicly available sources and published literature. The database provides sector specific information (characteristics of the sector including its size, its importance in terms of its energy consumption and GHG emissions, as well as estimated potential for technical improvements), technologies and resources, key data, Benchmarks.
This database is an initial step towards building a community of relevant stakeholders and creating a platform for easy access to relevant and reliable information. Although compilation of information from the literature has its limitations, we will request the practitioners and actors in the sectors having experience with the technologies/ tools/ resources that can improve energy efficiency and productivity to share more up-to-date and reliable information that can help us keep the database updated.
The App can be downloaded from Google Plat store by following the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iipnet