Increasing the Thermal Substitution Rate (TSR) in the Indian cement industry

The initiative is designed to draw up an implementable action plan for the most promising alternate fuels and raw materials and undertaking accompanying measures to increase the Thermal Substitution Rate (TSR) in Indian cement industry from the present level of less than 1% to 15% by 2020. This multi stakeholder initiative is being anchored at Cement Manufacturer’s Association of India.

In order to address regulatory barriers to the use of alternate fuels and raw materials (AFRs) in the cement industry, IIP’s India office has established a “Forum of Regulators” comprising high-level representation from various State Pollution Control Boards. The Forum is part of a multi-stakeholder initiative launched in India to draw up an implementable action plan to increase the TSR in the Indian cement industry from the present level of less than 1% to 15% by 2020. The plan will identify the five most promising alternate fuels for co-processing in cement kilns and the two most promising blending materials. Along with substantial GHG mitigation, fossil fuel savings and solving pressing local environmental issues, this initiative promotes complementary policies to the Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) program and will help cement companies achieve energy savings obligations under the PAT.

From August 7-8, 2013, IIP in partnership with the Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA) of India organized the First International Conference on ‘Enhanced Usage of Alternate Fuel and Raw Materials (AFR) Co-processing in Cement Plants’ in New Delhi. The Conference welcomed more than 200 national and international speakers and delegates from industry, government, regulatory bodies, NGOs, and the financial sector.