
By building on past and present successes from around the world, governments can introduce smart policies & programs that improve industrial productivity and cut GHG emissions.

Investment in energy efficiency makes financial sense for the company and environmental sense for society. But barriers, market imperfections and the absence of drivers often lead to a lack of awareness of the opportunities and prevent companies from making the investment.

That’s where governments come in. Policies can be designed to help industry realize the benefits of investment in energy efficiency and to establish a stable investment environment over a long-term period.

Research about Policies that Work

IIPI conducts research on the most effective policy options around the world, in areas including energy efficiency policies and policy packages, energy management programs and resource efficiency initiatives.

IIPI’s policy activities to identify and share best practice include:

  • Provide analytical support in the development of industry targets
  • Collect and disseminate information on effective policies
  • Analyze the impact of various industrial energy efficiency policies
  • Organize and convene meetings, workshops, and online events to bring together key policy makers and industry experts to help craft effective government policies for industrial energy efficiency and carbon management

IIPI analyzes and synthesizes information to make it accessible and useful for governments and companies that are considering new policies and programs.

Effort-defining policies such as targets, minimum energy performance standards and negotiated agreements can be introduced to clearly define objectives.

Supporting measures such as energy management programs and financial incentives can overcome barriers. Government-led energy management programs that encourage companies to adopt energy management systems (such as the international energy management standard ISO 50001) will propel efficiency planning into the boardroom and allow companies to systematically track energy use, benchmark performance and identify and prioritize the company’s energy efficiency projects.

Implementation tools and guidelines can boost results and help companies to comply with regulation.

Customized Assistance for Governments

IIPI offers assistance to centraland state governments on the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of energy saving policies and programs –especially on the deployment of energy management approaches.

Some of our activities:

  • Develop approaches to implement energy management systems (EnMS) in companies that account for a significant portion of demand (e.g., companies with numerous locations, or produce diverse products or processes)
  • Work with national and international organizations to share information on all aspects of EnMS approaches, energy management programs, and certification, monitoring and verification of continuous improvement in performance
  • Help companies develop targets and benchmarks for energy and carbon savings