Automation and Process Control System

Automation and process control of the coke battery heating and machines is achieved using a control system that conducts various process model calculations based upon the process data collected from earlier monitoring and control systems.

A particular application of automation and control system is programmed heating. Instead of conventional constant heating of the coke ovens, programmed heating enables optimization of the fuel gas supply. Optimization leads to proper utilization of fuel gas to heat the oven at the various stages of the coking process. It stabilizes coke battery operations and conditions and results in more consistent coke quality. Process control also increases battery life time.

Chinese flag Indian flag US flag The application potential of this measure is regarded to be high in China, India and in the United States. In many cases it will be necessary to modify existing heating system and controls. Cost of automation/change in combustion system must be considered. May not always be possible to use it, if the coke oven design and firing system is not appropriate.

Development Status Products

Automation and Process Control SystemCosts & Benefits

Parent Process: Coke Making
Energy Savings Potential

This technology can lead to fuel savings of about 10%. Estimated energy savings therefore are calculated to be 0.15 MBtu/ton (0.17 GJ/tonne) coke.

CO2 Emission Reduction Potential

The technology leads to emissions reduction of 3.8 Kg CO2/tonne coke.


Retrofit capital costs are US $0.37/tonne coke.

Automation and Process Control System Publications

Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the U.S. Iron and Steel Industry

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) energy guide, Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the U.S. Iron and Steel Industry, discusses energy efficiency practices and technologies that can be implemented in iron and steel manufacturing plants. This guide provides current real world examples of iron and steel plants saving energy and reducing cost and carbon dioxide emissions.

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Available and Emerging Technologies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Iron and Steel Industry

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The State–of-the-Art Clean Technologies (SOACT) for Steelmaking Handbook


The State–of-the-Art Clean Technologies (SOACT) for Steelmaking Handbook is developed as part of the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate program and seeks to catalog the best available technologies and practices to save energy and reduce environmental impacts in the steel industry. Its purpose is to share information about commercialized or emerging technologies and practices that are currently available to increase energy efficiency and environmental performance. 

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Asia Pacific Partnership Appendix