Heat Recovery from De-inking Effluent

De-inking effluents are usually discharged at relatively higher temperatures and they certainly represent the possibility of low-grade heat recovery. The installation of heat exchangers in the effluent discharge system can recover some of this heat for mill uses such as plant water heating.

Development Status Products
Recovered Pulp

Heat Recovery from De-inking EffluentCosts & Benefits

Parent Process: Recovered Fiber Pulping
Energy Savings Potential

US flag  For a mill in the US having effluent streams at 49 °C and flow rate of 2.7 m3/min, the installation of a heat exchanger to recover heat and generate warm filtered shower for the mill's paper machines is estimated to reduce boiler fuel consumption by 39 000 GJ/y.

CO2 Emission Reduction Potential

US flag  Fuels savings for the boiler are estimated at $125,000/y. Capital costs had been $375,000 with a payback period of around 3 years.

Heat Recovery from De-inking Effluent Publications

Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Pulp and Paper Industry

This Energy Guide discusses energy efficiency practices and energy-efficient technologies that can be implemented at the component, process, facility, and organizational levels.

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