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High Efficiency Motors

Motor driven systems are the most significant consumer of electricity in a typical pulp and paper mill. Motor-driven systems account for nearly 90% of all the electrical power utilized by the pulp and paper industry. Using motors with the highest energy efficiency class is therefore an important measure to reduce power consumption. For working times of more than 4000 hours per year, it is recommended to use the highest efficiency class (already standard in most European mills) (BREF, 2010. p. 114).However, in reducing the energy consumption of motor systems, a system approach needs to be adopted. Such approach looks for energy efficiency opportunities for all motor-driven systems (motors, drives, pumps, fans, compressors, impellers).


In order to systemically, the following approach can be followed:

  1. All applications of motors in a facility should be located and identified.
  2. The conditions and specifications of each motor should be documented to provide a current systems inventory.
  3. The needs and the actual use of the motor systems should be assessed to determine whether or not motors are properly sized and also how well each motor meets the needs of its driven equipment.
  4. Information on potential repairs and upgrades to the motor systems should be collected, including the economic costs and benefits of implementing repairs and upgrades to enable the energy efficiency improvement decision-making process.
  5. If upgrades are pursued, the performance of the upgraded motor systems should be monitored to determine the actual costs savings (Kramer <em>et al.</em>, 2009. p.60) 

More information on the topic please refere to Motor Driven Systems part of IETD.

Development Status Products

High Efficiency MotorsCosts & Benefits

Parent Process:
Energy Savings Potential

By replacing the electric motors with premium-efficiency motors, a pulp and paper company was able to reduce its specific electrical energy consumption by 35%.

CO2 Emission Reduction Potential

Considering the life cycle costs of an asynchrony motor, the original price of a motor is about 2% of the entire life time costs of operation.

High Efficiency Motors Publications

Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Pulp and Paper Industry

This Energy Guide discusses energy efficiency practices and energy-efficient technologies that can be implemented at the component, process, facility, and organizational levels.

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Draft Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Pulp and Paper Industry

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Available and Emerging Technologies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industry

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