Non-Recovery Coke Ovens

Unlike the by-product type of coke plant, in non-recovery coke-making, coke oven slag and other by-products released from coking process are combusted within the oven. This provides the heat required for the coke-making process. The oven is a horizontal design and operates under negative pressure. Primary combustion air is introduced though ports in the oven doors which partially combusts the volatiles in the oven chamber. Secondary air is introduced to complete the combustion process into the sole flues which run in a serpentine fashion under the coal bed. Heat can still be recovered from hot exhaust gases and be used for the production of heat and electricity – in such arrangements the system is called Heat Recovery Coke Making.

As most of the by-products are combusted in the oven this technique eliminates the need tor costly flue gas and wastewater treatment infrastructure. Heat recovery coking has a smaller output of blast furnace coke as compared to conventional coke-making systems, but provides more flexibility for coal selection than conventional slot ovens. The operational costs are also generally lower due to reduced labour requirement and due to the ability of using lower grade coals.

This technology requires significantly larger footprint and investment costs are higher if a cogeneration plant is included. It is, therefore, only economical where emission reduction requirements are strict, electricity prices are high, and/or there is demand for high quality steam.

Development Status Products

Non-Recovery Coke OvensCosts & Benefits

Parent Process: Coke Making
Energy Savings Potential

Electrical power of about 630-700 kWh/t-coke can be produced.

CO2 Emission Reduction Potential

VOC and particulate matter emissions are mostly eliminated. SOx emissions are reduced but NOx emissions are likely to increase.


Investment cost of a US coking plant producing 1.2 million tons of coke per year was $365 Million – including coke oven facilities, coke handling/blending and power plant in 1998. For the energy facility, investment costs of only USD 140 million are reported for 1998 (IPPC, 2009).

Non-Recovery Coke Ovens Publications

The State–of-the-Art Clean Technologies (SOACT) for Steelmaking Handbook


The State–of-the-Art Clean Technologies (SOACT) for Steelmaking Handbook is developed as part of the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate program and seeks to catalog the best available technologies and practices to save energy and reduce environmental impacts in the steel industry. Its purpose is to share information about commercialized or emerging technologies and practices that are currently available to increase energy efficiency and environmental performance. 

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Draft Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Production of Iron and Steel

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Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the U.S. Iron and Steel Industry

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) energy guide, Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the U.S. Iron and Steel Industry, discusses energy efficiency practices and technologies that can be implemented in iron and steel manufacturing plants. This guide provides current real world examples of iron and steel plants saving energy and reducing cost and carbon dioxide emissions.

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