Pelletized Blast Furnace Dust

In the normal sintering process carbon-containing dusts, e.g. blast furnace dust, are added to the sinter mix without any prior conditioning. Since the fuel contained in the dust burns out too rapidly, its ability to replace coke breeze in sintering is limited.  In a demonstration project a new method to produce pellets out of fine-grained carbon-containing dust was tested.  The results showed that much higher substitution rates can be realized with the pelletized blast furnace dust. 

Development Status Products

Pelletized Blast Furnace DustCosts & Benefits

Parent Process: Sinter Plant
Energy Savings Potential

Significant increase in the substitution ratio makes it possible to save corresponding amount of fuel in sintering.

CO2 Emission Reduction Potential

Pelletized Blast Furnace Dust Resources

Tätigkeitsbericht/Activity Report

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