Gas Expansion Turbines for Power Recovery

Natural gas used for feedstock and fuel may be supplied to the ammonia plant at or near the pressure that is needed for the ammonia process. About 20-40% of the natural gas supplied is used as reformer fuel and requires significant lower pressures. Expansion turbines can be installed to use the pressure drop and be coupled to a power generator or a cooling water pump. Energy is extracted from pressurized gas, which lowers gas pressure and temperature. Expansion turbines are generally installed in parallel with the regulators that traditionally reduce pressure in gas lines. If flow is too low for efficient generation, or the expansion turbine fails, pressure is reduced in the traditional manner. 

Development Status Products

Gas Expansion Turbines for Power RecoveryCosts & Benefits

Parent Process: General Measures for Ammonia Plants
Energy Savings Potential
CO2 Emission Reduction Potential

Gas Expansion Turbines for Power Recovery Tools

Assessment to Action (A2A) Toolkit

Developed by IIP, in collaboration with energy expertsat ICF Marbek, members of the IFA and experts in China, the A2A (Assessment to Action) Toolkit is a free suite of resources on energy management and technology best practices created for ammonia companies. The A2A Toolkit provides a first-order, high-level assessment to identify and prioritize energy efficiency opportunities. It does so by drawing on various assessment modules on technical best practices, management best practices (based on ISO 50001 standard) and productivity improvements.