General Measures for Ammonia Plants

There are a number of technologies and measures applicable to the ammonia plants in general. Examples of these are provided in this section.

General Measures for Ammonia PlantsTechnologies & Measures

Technology or Measure Energy Savings Potential CO2 Emission Reduction Potential Based on Literature Costs Development Status
Advanced Process Control

Average payback period varies between 6 months and 2.5 years (A2A Toolkit). 

Australian flag In an Australian plant, the payback time for the installation of APC software was less than 6 months.  (Australian Government, 2009)

Flag of Belgium In a plant in Belgium that was already optimized, implementation of an APC saved an additionl € 400 000 per year, resulting in a payback time less than one year (Thyssenkrupp, unknowndate). 

German flag An APC that was implemented in a German plant and that has increased production by 2.5% had a payback time of less than 6 months (Honeywell, 2012). 

Improved Process Integration

The cost of implementation is estimated at € 10/GJ of saved energy (Rafiqul et al., 2005 based on de Beer, 2000).

Retrofitting Steam Turbines for Higher Efficiency

The payback time of the steam turbine upgrade is usually in the order of 1 year. Costs can be reduced by including the upgrade in the normal turn-around schedule. The cost for upgrading two back-pressure turbines with more efficient condensing turbines in an ammonia plant in the US estimated to require an investment of $ 1.2 million (U.S. DOE, 2007)

Retrofitting Gas Turbines for Higher Efficiency

Indian Flag For a 1 500 tpd, investments are in the range of US $ 1 - 1.2 million (FAI, 2013).

Installing Gas Turbines for Air Compression Commercial
Medium Pressure Process Condensate Stripper Commercial
Gas Expansion Turbines for Power Recovery Commercial
Improved Air Compression The cost of improvement is estimated at €6.4/GJ (Nieuwlaar, 2001 p.15) . Commercial
Cooling at Suction End of Compressors

Indian Flag

 Investment requirements are in the range of US $ 0.8 – 1.2 million for 500 tonnes of refrigeration used for suction cooling of synthesis gas compressor [2010 figures] (FAI, 2013).

Motor System Optimization Commercial