Recuperative Burners
A recuperator is a gas-to-gas heat exchanger placed on the stack of the furnace. There are numerous designs, but all rely on tubes or plates to transfer heat from the outgoing exhaust gas to the incoming combustion air, while keeping the two streams from mixing. Recuperative burners use the heat from the exhaust gas to preheat the combustion air. Since modern recuperative burner systems can have significantly higher efficiencies than older systems, savings can also be attained by replacement of old or aging recuperative or regenerative burners.
Development Status | Products |
Rolled steel
Recuperative BurnersCosts & Benefits
Parent Process: Rolling Mills | |
Energy Savings Potential |
Recuperative burners in the reheating furnace can reduce energy consumption by as much as 30 percent. Although actual savings will be highly facility-specific, one estimate placed energy savings at approximately 0.7 GJ/t-product.
CO2 Emission Reduction Potential |
Costs |
Retrofit Capital Cost is $3.9/tonne rolled steel. |